Sonntag, 28. April 2013

Speech of The Day (202): Conference of Independent African States in Accra, April 15 - April 24, 1958

Message from His Imperial Majesty Haile
Selassie I delivered by His Imperial Highness
Prince Sahle Selassie at the Conference of
Independent African States in Accra, held from .
Tuesday, April 15 until Thursday, April 24, 1958.

"On this most momentous of occasions, when
responsible statesmen representing the free countries
of Africa are gathered together to consider common
problems, We send to the Conference of Independent
African States Our warmest greetings and Our prayers
for the success of the cause which has brought our
governments together. This Conference marks the first
occasion on which the independent nations of Africa
have gathered together to discuss questions which are
common to all of them and to Africa, and is thus the first
step into a new and promising era for this great continent.
As an integral part of Africa, Ethiopia looks back
with pride to the role which she has played in the history
of Africa's development. With the other great and free
nations assembled today in Ghana, Ethiopia contemplates
the future of Africa with confidence.
The free nations of Africa must recognize the
potential force which they represent for the achieving
of a permanent and enduring peace among the nations
of the world. As the human and material wealth which
Africa represents grows and develops, the African peoples
will become an increasingly powerful force in the world's
councils. It is our duty to insure that the weight of
Africa's prestige and power is enlisted on the side of
peace, for another conflict such as these as the world has
witnessed in the past forty years might well spell the
doom and destruction of all mankind.
As this Conference is inaugurated, We would also
urge that the representatives assembled in Ghana never
lose sight of the basic need to bring to increasingly large
numbers of people in Africa the benefits of modern scientific
and technological advances. Mankind today has
reached a level of material achivement never before realized in
the world's history, and it is an important
mission of the Independent African States to insure
that these benefits are guaranteed to all the peoples of
Africa and to eliminate poverty, backwardness and
illiteracy from the African continent.
We would, moreover, have the Conference remember
not only that the eyes of the other nations are upon it,
but that countless millions to whom freedom is no more
than a far-distant goal are watching this gathering.
This Conference must demonstrate to the whole world
that the free nations of Africa prize their independence
and freedom and, more important, are determined to
apply them to the furtherance of co-operation among
themselves and with men of good will everywhere, on the
basis of the Charter of the United Nations and the
principles of Bandung. If it is to succeed, this Conference
must also serve as a symbol and an example to the peoples
of this great continent of Ours who are still labouring to
attain their independence and encourage and sustain
them by our testimony that the reward is worth the
struggle. Conscious of the overwhelming importance for
Africa and the world of these principles, We assure the
Independent African States that Ethiopia's devotion
to them and her support of the common cause of Africa
and the African peoples shall, as always, be unswerving
and steadfast.
We ask Almighty God to bless the Conference in
its work, to bestow upon the gathered representatives the
wisdom, strength and vision requisite to their labours and
to crown their efforts with success,"

Speeches delivered by His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie Ist Emperor of Ethiopia on various occasions - page 52 -

Eastern African Heads of State Conference, Kampala Uganda, 1967

Samstag, 27. April 2013



….. To be able to say that there are one hundred thousand students, one has to start with one.

It is over twenty-five years ago that We had conceived the idea of building this School, but as everything is bound to be accomplished with man as initiator and God as executor, it was built in its destined time and formally opened twenty-five years ago.
On this occasion when We celebrate the Silver Jubilee of the Teferi Makonnen School and recall the struggle We made to overcome the opposing internal political forces that We encountered at the time when, having the building completed, We were recruiting teachers and gathering students in order to get the work started, We thank Our God who helped Us to achieve Our aim.
Ever since the day We were elected by God to be the leader of Our beloved Nation, Our wholehearted desire has been to expand education with which Our people will develop and guarantee their independence, and since Our accession to the power of leadership, We have put on this cause Our utmost efforts as much as events permitted. And this school the Silver Jubilee of which We are celebrating today, has rendered evident Our desire and effort.
Among those who, in support of Our idea, have helped Us to found this School, We thank all who are alive and remember those like the late Blattenguetta Hiruy.
There have been gentlemen and ladies who, sharing Our conviction that there is no instrument better than education for the development of Ethiopia and the welfare of Our Nation, helped Us in different ways. Some of them have done so by inspiring their children to go to school and others by contributing financially to this cause, to an extent that proved their realization of the benefit of education. In this connection, We do not pass without remembering those, for instance, like the late Dej. Habtemariam Gabregziabier, who sent to the school twenty-three boys together with the school fees.
The names of the persons who had shown their good-will to support Our idea and expressed the love for education were written at the school hall in golden letters on the roll of honour which was removed by the enemy, and has now been renewed and restituted.
The Teferi Makonnen School started working guided by the internal regulations We had provided to it, with Dr. Workneh as Principal and a Frenchman called Monsieur Jean Guillon, as Director and concurrently teacher. Under them, there were both foreign and Ethiopian teachers for French and English languages and the number of students increased from day to day.


After a few years when it was arranged for the pupils of Teferi Makonnen School to receive examinations sent from schools in Europe, there were many who passed the examinations and obtained elementary school certificates. When We were then satisfied with the intelligence of the Ethiopian pupils and the diligence of the teachers, We were encouraged to double Our efforts. As We used to see for Ourselves, whenever We visited the School, their diligence which was resulting in the advancement of the pupils, We still remember the teachers who were here at that time.
Then We had only these students who proved progressive and diligent in their studies sent abroad for pursuing their education. Whereas most of these flowers of youth grown in this School were destroyed by Italy’s massacre, some have been spared by God and are now serving their country. But when We thought of sending them abroad for education, there was a great obstacle between orientation abroad and preparation at home, and the struggle We faced was worse.
But convinced that a nation is seen highly possessed of works of civilization due to its heritage of refinement from past generations and not as a result of work accomplished in one generation, and realizing that such heritage demands countless sacrifices, We exerted a great effort in order to remove current difficulties and to pave the way for the coming generations, and by faith passed the trial.
Moreover, as it was Our desire to improve all possible ways of distributing education to all the Ethiopian population, there has never been one We have not helped whenever an individual or a society wished to preach education to the Ethiopians or to open a school.

Other Schools

To Our Programme aimed at enabling the youth of Ethiopia to be prepared for the help of their country in different professions acquired by education and training, We had reinforced the establishment of modern systems capable of maintaining law and order, as well as of safe-guarding the security of the country, such as the Regular Army, Police and Air Force, and in general We had done all to have all systems of public education go hand in hand.
Even though work and time have a limited scope to human capacity, We were convinced that by working with faith, perseverance, firmness and foresight, it was possible to accomplish much. And Our efforts have been aided by avoiding arrears of work pending for the coming generations so that there might emerge a generation up to date with modern civilization to pursue its current life, and when We were organizing such a peaceful life for Our Nation, We had secured for it the international guarantee of peace by joining the League of Nations and signing the Kellog Convention.
But there came an enemy who interrupted Our peaceful work of leading Ethiopia to a high civilization and by invading Our country, destroyed all the products of Our work. Had it not been for all the various obstacles which We encountered and which hindered Our work, it is obvious that the result of Our initiative for the purpose of having Ethiopia combine her ancient civilization with the modern world progress would have appeared much earlier. Never-theless, We thank God for the kindness We have never missed.
Although it had, following the invasion of the enemy, fallen sick for some time, the Teferi Makonnen School which We see today as a young school of twenty-five years has, in accordance with its age, served a generation and is therefore, seen with its head upright.
When We inaugurated this school twenty-five years ago, We extolled the merciful Lord and said: “To be able to say that there are one hundred thousand students, one has to start with one.”
Today in Ethiopia, there are more than 100,000 students. Hence, We feel very happy at the celebration of the 25th year of Teferi Makonnen School, where We have expressed Our wishes and see that the mercy of God is limitless.
We feel deeply sorry when We recall the memory of the youngsters who were educated at this school and who sacrificed their lives for the sake of their Emperor and country. When We turn to those who are alive and rendering valuable service to their country, including those who are attending this inauguration as well as those who are on duty in distant places, Our sorrow changes into happiness.
And you, students, should realize that for the benefit of Ethiopia and for Our Nation, Our most important work at present is the preparation of educated generations for Ethiopia, and We fervently hope that you will prove worthy of Our efforts for this purpose. We thank those who have been supporting Us in this cause and We strongly ask them to continue their support.

Ap. 27, 1950

Selected Speeches of His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie – page 70 –     

Freitag, 26. April 2013



By establishing for our people educational institutions ranging from the elementary level to that of a University College, we have enabled their natural intelligence to be reinforced by acquired knowledge. In this our object has been to raise their standard of living, for in so far as they profit from the education they receive, so may they improve their material resources.
Our efforts in this sense are being fulfilled as far as the children and young people are concerned. But we feel it incumbent upon us to take thought also for those other folk who, by reason of their age, or of their occupation or position, are unable to receive the advantage derived from modern education. It was to give practical expression to this thought that we previously issued instructions indicating that all our people should acquire fundamental education; that they should read and write Amharic, the official language of the country, and if possible learn additional subjects in foreign fields. Since these instructions were issued, basic education is progressing satisfactorily, and people are fre-quenting schools assiduously and in large numbers.
The products of learning and knowledge, then benefit the life of mankind; and these fruits of education to the cultivation of which we ever devote our energies should be shared by all our people throughout our Empire. However, to obtain this objective, capable teachers must be secured; it was in the pursuit of this aim, that we directed this building to be constructed as a special Teachers Training Centre. Now that the work of construction is finished, and that of instruction has begun, we give thanks to the Almighty, who has granted to us to preside today over the ceremony of its inauguration.

Must Ripen and Mature

So far, through the existing education facilities, not only have many children and adults been spared from being branded as illiterates, but many too are they who have reached the University level and completed their studies there. Folks crowd the doors of centres of learning, and a number of them pass in and out of them; but that is not enough. What we desire for our people in future consists of three main objectives: First, that every Ethiopian may be spared from illiteracy; second, that through the development of his own inborn capabilities he may become not a liability but an asset to his nation, and a benefit to himself, to his neighbourhood, and to his country; third, that he must ripen and mature in knowledge and education, and pass them on to posterity. In addition, in this day and age, he must keep far from his mind the belief that he knows quite enough. The educated person will consider and weigh the welfare of the individual and the community, and will form critical judgements, while retaining the fear of his Creator.
For the higher educational institutions which, with much effort, we have established – such as the Agricultural College, the Building College and the University College – enough students have not been found. In several countries of the world we see persons who do work of various kinds during the day, in order to get the necessary money to live by, in the evening they devote their time to study, and to reach a sufficient level of education to qualify as doctors or engineers. Such men, who have the love of learning in their hearts, show us how age need not prove a hindrance. Therefore you should strive assiduously to make yourselves, by education, worthy men; and for this it matters not whether it be by day or by night, nor whether you be child or adult, man or woman.
As the Gospel tells us, a house built upon strong foundations can never be overthrown by storms. Similarly, when people are built up with minds well formed by education and knowledge, no trial of whatever kind can conquer them. Therefore, as regards the teachers who go forth from this Centre, prepared for the tasks ahead, it is our hope that they will advise, help and teach their brothers living in the country districts, in matters of health, of husbandry, of handicraft, and in other useful spheres, placing the knowledge they have gained from new cultural methods at the service of each and every Ethiopian.

Firm Structure

As for Ourselves, in every task wherein We labour, Our chief aim is that Our beloved people shall, during Our reign, proceed apace along the path of culture, improving their individual condition and living a life of peace, prosperity and happiness.
And when we say that, it is essential that our people should fully understand the following point. Unless each beam be sound, the whole structure of a house cannot be firm; and so, unless each Ethiopian citizen improves his own individual lot by culture, educating himself and his children, and making his family healthy and prosperous, capable and industrious, he cannot benefit his beloved land and the realm of Ethiopia. Similarly, if a man is sick, in one part of his body, his whole constitution is upset. It is the same with a people. Unless each man’s life be complete, displaying education and prosperity, the people as a whole cannot share in common a flourishing existence, nor can it give its government cause for pride. It is for this reason that we place our full hope in the teachers who go forth from this Centre – that through them, our people may receive, in respect of their individual lives, the help which we wish to be extended to them.
In the planning of this Community Education Teachers Training Centre we have received assistance from persons who have experience in this field, and to them – the experts of Point Four and of UNESCO – we express our thanks. We are convinced that the work wherein they have collaborated with us will prosper.
We sincerely thank the U. S. Government for its assistance in the establishment of this school. We also appreciate the good words expressed by H.E. the U.S. Ambassador and for the spirit of co-operation he has shown.
It is, therefore, with deep satisfaction that we inaugurate and declare open, the Community Education Teachers Training Centre at Debre Berhan.

April 26, 1957.

Selected Speeches of His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie – page 76 –     

Freitag, 19. April 2013



You heroes,
You carried to the sister State of the Congo the bravery and heroism which your country gained from her ago-long struggle for the love of freedom. You sacrificed your lives in defence of the principle of Collective Security. Your sacrifice has borne the desired fruit and the Congo is united today.
You have honourably executed the orders given to you by Us. You have died in support of the peace mission entrusted to the United Nations. This is a great example. Ethiopia takes pride in her Armed Forces. It has been said death comes as a pleasure to the hero. You have fallen for a noble cause and in so doing have lived up to what is expected of a good, solid soldier. This immortalizes your names in the pages of history .You are dead but the service you have done will live after you, and would keep you in the memory of the living.
It has been said that dust shall return to dust. You sons of Adam have fallen for the honour of your country and for the pride of your people. History shall preserve your names. Ethiopia places you alongside her heroes. May you rest in peace.

Apr. 19, 1963.

Selected Speeches of His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie – page 652 –