Sonntag, 28. April 2013

Speech of The Day (202): Conference of Independent African States in Accra, April 15 - April 24, 1958

Message from His Imperial Majesty Haile
Selassie I delivered by His Imperial Highness
Prince Sahle Selassie at the Conference of
Independent African States in Accra, held from .
Tuesday, April 15 until Thursday, April 24, 1958.

"On this most momentous of occasions, when
responsible statesmen representing the free countries
of Africa are gathered together to consider common
problems, We send to the Conference of Independent
African States Our warmest greetings and Our prayers
for the success of the cause which has brought our
governments together. This Conference marks the first
occasion on which the independent nations of Africa
have gathered together to discuss questions which are
common to all of them and to Africa, and is thus the first
step into a new and promising era for this great continent.
As an integral part of Africa, Ethiopia looks back
with pride to the role which she has played in the history
of Africa's development. With the other great and free
nations assembled today in Ghana, Ethiopia contemplates
the future of Africa with confidence.
The free nations of Africa must recognize the
potential force which they represent for the achieving
of a permanent and enduring peace among the nations
of the world. As the human and material wealth which
Africa represents grows and develops, the African peoples
will become an increasingly powerful force in the world's
councils. It is our duty to insure that the weight of
Africa's prestige and power is enlisted on the side of
peace, for another conflict such as these as the world has
witnessed in the past forty years might well spell the
doom and destruction of all mankind.
As this Conference is inaugurated, We would also
urge that the representatives assembled in Ghana never
lose sight of the basic need to bring to increasingly large
numbers of people in Africa the benefits of modern scientific
and technological advances. Mankind today has
reached a level of material achivement never before realized in
the world's history, and it is an important
mission of the Independent African States to insure
that these benefits are guaranteed to all the peoples of
Africa and to eliminate poverty, backwardness and
illiteracy from the African continent.
We would, moreover, have the Conference remember
not only that the eyes of the other nations are upon it,
but that countless millions to whom freedom is no more
than a far-distant goal are watching this gathering.
This Conference must demonstrate to the whole world
that the free nations of Africa prize their independence
and freedom and, more important, are determined to
apply them to the furtherance of co-operation among
themselves and with men of good will everywhere, on the
basis of the Charter of the United Nations and the
principles of Bandung. If it is to succeed, this Conference
must also serve as a symbol and an example to the peoples
of this great continent of Ours who are still labouring to
attain their independence and encourage and sustain
them by our testimony that the reward is worth the
struggle. Conscious of the overwhelming importance for
Africa and the world of these principles, We assure the
Independent African States that Ethiopia's devotion
to them and her support of the common cause of Africa
and the African peoples shall, as always, be unswerving
and steadfast.
We ask Almighty God to bless the Conference in
its work, to bestow upon the gathered representatives the
wisdom, strength and vision requisite to their labours and
to crown their efforts with success,"

Speeches delivered by His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie Ist Emperor of Ethiopia on various occasions - page 52 -

Eastern African Heads of State Conference, Kampala Uganda, 1967

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