Sonntag, 5. Mai 2013

Speech of The Day (209) - May 5, 1959, the 18th Anniversary of the Liberation - reply to the adress of Blatenguetta Aklilu Hapte-Wold, The Deputy Prime Minister

On May 5, 1959, the 18th Anniversary of the
Liberation, H. E. Blatenguetta Aklilu Hapte-
WoId, the Deputy Prime Minister, addressed
His Imperial Majesty at a reception held at
the Old Palace at 12 noon. His Imperial Majesty,
Haile Selassie I, replied to the speech
of the Deputy Prime Minister as follows:

"You have, in your well-chosen words, given a
clear depiction of the present situation. The moral
confusion brought about by two world wars has led
to the springing up of numerous iniquitous political
ambitions, destroyed mutual trust and confidence
amongst mankind, and is now in the process of utilizing
the superior technical skill of man for the creation of
weapons capable of annihilating this earth.
Ethiopia too, in the days when it fell to her lot to
become the innocent victim of this moral confusion,
fought valiantly to ward off her ill fate, and her efforts
were not only crowned with success, but also earned
the goodwill and sympathy of the whole world. We
believe, as ought also Our people, that it was the hand
of the Almighty which did all this and gave Us the victory.
This liberation of Our land let in a ray of light into
the whole of this continent, which is now leading on to
the opening of the doors of freedom to the nations of
Africa. Our responsibility, therefore, becomes indeed
great, to take the lead also in striving for the unity and
strength necessary for bringing Our country to the level
of the more advanced nations of the world.
For this it is essential that Ethiopia, in her efforts
for the spread of education takes care to see that aca- .
demic instruction is supplemented by intensive technical
training, which alone can save Our nation from becom-
ing the dumping-ground of the products of foreign
industries. Further, it is her duty to benefit from resources
in order to enable herself to be of assistance to
the free nations as well as to those still striving for their
It is only from such determined efforts that national
strength and economic prosperity can ensue. We would
therefore enjoin upon Our beloved people their sacred
duty to co-operate fully with the plans We have laid
for the attaining of this goal. Praised be the Lord
Almighty Who has done all this and will continue to
do all that needs to be done."

Speeches delivered by His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie Ist Emperor of Ethiopia on various occasions - page 123 -

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