Freitag, 29. November 2013

29.11. - 2 - Speech of The Day - INTER REGION SANITATION SEMINAR


We are pleased to welcome in Our capital delegates from a number of African countries and from countries of the Eastern Mediterranean Region and the international specialists in sanitation who have come to participate in this Inter-Regional Seminar on Community Water Supply.
We wish to felicitate the World Health Organization for its initiative in organizing this so important Seminar and thank every person who has co-operated and assisted in its preparation.
It is well known that no life is possible without water but it may not always be so widely known that if water is not of a good quality it may spread disease and thus impair the health of the people who utilize it. It should also be known that water is not only necessary for consumption but also for personal cleanliness which in turn is such an important factor in preventing diseases and promoting the general health and well-being of man.
We are therefore gratified to see that leading personalities from so many countries are assembled here to discuss together with prominent sanitation specialists ways and means of providing their communities with safe water supplies. And We hope that this Seminar will be an incentive to develop and improve the basic agent of personal hygiene as well as of environmental sanitation: namely, the ready availability of abundant and safe water.
We wish the Seminar the very best success in its deliberations.
Nov. 29, 1960.

Selected Speeches of His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie - page 212 –               

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