Samstag, 6. Dezember 2014

06.12. - 2 - Speech of The Day - SPEECH IN HONOUR OF CHIVU STOICA


Mr. President, Madame Stoica, 
It gives Us great pleasure to welcome you this evening and to express to you our appreciation for having accepted our invitation to visit Ethiopia. On this happy occasion We extend to you, Mr. President, and your consort Our most cordial welcome.
Two years ago, at the invitation of your predecessor, the late Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej, We had the opportunity of visiting your beautiful and great country and to come into personal contact with the industrious people of Romania. We always recall with pleasure the warm and friendly reception that We were accorded by the Government and people of Romania. The sincere and hearty reception which We have experienced then is a vivid testimony of the great respect and admiration which the Romanian people have for Our people and for Us. In the course of Our visit, We saw for ourselves the great progress achieved by the Romanian people and the advantages they are drawing from the benefits of modern civilization.
As a result of man’s technological and scientific advancement, our world has undergone tremendous and unprecedented change. Distant worlds have been brought closer and mysteries have been unfolded. All these achievements should have brought satisfaction to mankind. However, man among other things, has used these great achievements to evil ends by producing and accumulating weapons of mass destruction which are already in the possession of a number of countries.


The desire of states to impose their social and economic systems on others had resulted in the ever-increasing stock-pile of deadly weapons. But happily the realization that such a state of affairs is incompatible with the needs of our time has led, of late, all leaders and all men of goodwill to determine to live in peace and to coexist in spite of the ideological, social and economic differences existing in the world. In turn this situation has greatly relieved the anxiety of the world from the fear of the disaster that would otherwise have befallen mankind as a result of a nuclear warfare. It is, therefore, the sacred duty of all to take advantage of the present general détente and to strive to bring about enduring peace so that we may spare ourselves the condemnation of posterity and history.

Common Goals

The basic needs of men everywhere are the same. There is no one anywhere in the world who does not cherish the hope of having his standard of living raised. Likewise, it is the fervent desire of most governments to satisfy the material needs and to elevate the standard of living of their people. For any state or individual to limit its endeavours to satisfy its selfish desire, in this age of interdependence, is to live outside of the realm of reality. The era of such isolated existence is long past. Instead men have started to think in terms of their fellow-men, their country and the world community. All must strive unceasingly to further these simple and yet fundamental principles and ideals so that there shall be a better tomorrow for generations to come.
Mr. President, We should not fail to recall here that Ethiopia for a long time has maintained friendly relations with Romania not only in time of peace but in time of great trouble and tribulation when our very existence as a nation was threatened by the fascist aggressor. We shall long remember the moral support We have had from the people of Romania through its Foreign Minister, Mr. Tutelesu when We made our appeal to the League of Nations. It is also fitting to mention here the valiant Romanian hero, Etian the Great, who has courageously struggled and dedicated his life for the freedom and independence of his country.
Though Your Excellency’s visit to Our country is short, We earnestly believe that it will contribute in further strengthening the bonds of friendship that already exist between Romania and Ethiopia.
In this age of inter-dependence Romania and Ethiopia should do their utmost to co-operate for the mutual interest of their respective countries. There are many areas in which our two countries can effectively collaborate in this regard.
It is in this spirit of friendship and co-operation that We ask all to join Us in wishing long life and good health to you, Mr. President and Madame Stoica; progress and prosperity to Romania and Ethiopia and to enduring world peace.
Dec. 6, 1966.

Selected Speeches of His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie - page 150 –             

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