Samstag, 11. Mai 2013

Speech of The Day (218) - presented the flag to the Second Battalion at the site campf of Wuseta

On May 11, 1959, during His tour of the Gojjam
Province, His Imperial Majesty, Haile Selassie
I, Commander-in-Chief of Ethiopia's Armed
Forces, presented the flag to the Second Battalion
of the Land Forces at the site camp of
Wuseta with the following words:

"In presenting to you as We have done to other units
in the various branches of Our Armed Services­ - Land,
Air and Naval Forces, We say now as We have said then,
the national flag is the symbol of nation's independence.
Our national flag was never cancelled not even during the
five years of the partial occupation of Ethiopia, because
our valiant patriots, under Our orders, courageously
resisted the enemy. Many countries refused to recognise
the occupation and there the Ethiopian flag continued as
an emblem of Ethiopia's freedom. The faithful people
of Gojjam fought bravely against the enemy during the
invasion, they resisted the occupation, and rather than
submitting to the enemy, many of them preferred to live
as refugees.
Presenting this flag to the Second Battalion which
under Our command marched into the capital, symbolises
Our triumphant entry into Addis Ababa, which
does not limit its significance to the battalion, but is of
meaning to the whole of the Empire. This flag you
receive now is the symbol not only of the resistance and
the sacrifices endured during the exile; it is witness of the
historic moment when We raised the Ethiopian flag at
Omedla. During that time this battalion was a guard
of honour to Ourselves, and We know better than anyone
the services rendered by each one of you when this
battalion served as Our guard of honour.
The faithful people of Gojjam who fought relent-
lessly during the five years against the enemy, never
surrendering, were chosen to be the first among those
to liberate the country and lead the campaign to victory.
The value of a flag springs from the sacrifices made to
defend it as the symbol of independence, otherwise there
is no difference between a flag and any other piece of
cloth. That is why the flag is an eternal source of
inspiration, of loyalty and the symbol of the sacred ,
duty and obligation of a soldier; to him it is a moral
We entrust this flag to you - this testimony to those
who have served Us by their sacrifices made during the
exile and the campaign of liberation; moreover, this
symbol of the sacrifices made by the patriots. We hope
the Almighty will guide you to fulfill this trust."

Speeches delivered by His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie Ist Emperor of Ethiopia on various occasions - page 125 -

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