Dienstag, 29. Januar 2013
Sonntag, 27. Januar 2013
Samstag, 26. Januar 2013
Speech of The Day (139): TO THE LAGOS SUMMIT MEETING
... We Africans desire to live in peace
and friendship with all men, without regard to race, creed or other persuasion,
and are prepared to co-operate with all who sincerely and honestly desire our
well-being and advancement. We cannot, nonetheless, needlessly expose ourselves
to the perils which the World power struggle carries in its wake.
It is a great pleasure for Us to be here
today and to address this Conference, the holding of which is a most satisfying
and significant event for Africa. Of the twenty-eight African States which, in
1962, stand proudly inde-pendent, sovereign nations, the great majority are
represented here by their Heads of State. This assembly is further enriched by
the presence of observers from a number of other African territories, several
of which will attain their freedom in the near future. To all of them, states
and territories alike, and to all Africans, We extend Our greetings.
At the same time,
We must express Our regret that representatives of the Algerian Provisional
Government are not numbered in our midst, and that their absence has caused a
number of other nations whose representatives should be seated in these halls
to decline invitations extended to them. At the Belgrade Conference of
Non-Aligned States, We deplored the absence of certain African States which
Ethiopia felt should be among those present. Today, again, We cannot help
feeling that our tasks are made more difficult because several African nations
are unrepresented in these halls. But however strongly We may feel on this
issue, We feel even more strongly that no African can escape the circumstances
which have brought us together in Lagos or evade his solemn duty to work with
his fellow-Africans for the cause of this great continent, and We pledge
Ourself to labour unstintingly in the discharge of this obligation during the
days ahead.
We wish to thank the sponsors of this
Conference, the Government of the Federation of Nigeria, a young nation itself
only recently emerged from the shadow of colonial rule which has already, by
virtue of its manifest human and material resources as well as the maturity and
judgment demonstrated by those who direct its government, taken its place among
the leaders of Africa. We personally are deeply grateful to the gracious people
of Lagos who have touched Our heart with the spontaneous and warm welcome which
they have extended to Us.
A Challenge
We meet today at
the Summit Conference of Africa. Never before have so many Heads of African
States assembled in one spot to consider together common problems. Let us
demonstrate to those who watch us that in Lagos, in January of 1962, we meet at
the right time and place and on the right subject. We should all welcome this
event; we should seek to employ it to the maximum for our own good and for the
good of all mankind. It is vital to the future of the world and to the growth
of understanding and sympathy among men of good will that contacts at all
levels of the political structure be maintained, that world leaders meet face
to face, that those who carry the heavy burden of leading their peoples in the
path of progress and enlightenment leave no avenue unexplored in the discharge
of their God-given duties. This is the challenge which we, as res-ponsible
African statesmen, face today.
We Africans are still in the process of
becoming acquainted with one another. Only three short years ago, there was no
opportunity for more than a handful of African leaders to come together, to
exchange views, to explore common problems and to seek accomodations and
solutions to them. The destinies of the vast majority of Africans then were
still shaped and controlled by others. But freedom has come to this continent,
and with it an ever-increasing influence for the free African nations. African
States are playing an ever larger role in international affairs. Our presence
in the United Nations has placed our views and problems squarely before world
observers. Our future is in our own hands and we are meeting here now to
consider what that future is to be.
Not Divided
Certain developments have occurred in
Africa since the irresistible tide of independence swept over this continent
which upon superficial examination, have been the cause of concern for the
future. We are told that Africa has been split into competing groups, thus
inhibiting co-operation among the African States and severely retarding African
progress. One hears of the Casablanca Group and the Monrovia Group, of the
Conakry and Dakar Declarations, and we are warned that the views and policies
of these so-called groups are so antithetical as to make it impossible for them
to work together as partners in an enterprise to which all are mutually
do such hard and fast groupings really exist? And if certain nations sharing
similar views have taken measures to co-ordinate their policies, does this mean
that, between these nations and others, there is no possibility of free and
mutually beneficial co-operation? Is Africa really fragmented, and has
independence been achieved on this great continent only to see the African
nations themselves trans- form differences into divisions? And are such
divisions as already exist, imposed upon us by history and circumstance, to be
widened and deepened by our own efforts?
Let Us say, first of all, that Ethiopia
considers herself a member of one group only – the African group. We will join
in any deliberations, we will consider any plan, we will debate any proposal
anywhere, and at any time, provided that it contributes to the maintenance of
world peace, the development of Africa’s human and material resources, and the
protection of this continent’s legitimate interests. When we Africans have been
misled into pigeon-holing one another, into attributing rigid and inflexible
views to states which were present at one conference but not at another, then
we shall, without reason or justification, have limited our own freedom of
action and rendered im-measurably more difficult the task of joint efforts, in
harmony and brotherhood, in the common cause of Africa.
Let Us say, further, that We do not regard
the absence of nations from the so-called Casablanca Group as evidence of any
fundamental and irreparable rift between them and the twenty-two nations gathered
in these halls. We have already stated that We regret their absence, but We are
persuaded that they would agree with much, if not all, of what we shall say
here, and that they will join in spirit and in future co-operate with the
decisions we shall take during this Conference.
We contend,
accordingly, that no wide and unbridgeable gulf exists between the various
groupings which have been created. It is Our belief, to the contrary, that a
close and careful analysis of the policies adopted by the African nations today
on a wide range of questions emphasizes, not the differences among them, but
the large number of views which they share in common. When laid side by side,
the Conakry and Dakar resolutions resemble one another in many more respects
than they differ. They reveal a fundamental agreement of principle upon certain
basic economic measures to be taken in specific fields. The importance of
improving rail, road and air communications, of stimulating commerce, of
eliminating customs and trade barriers, of emphasizing and co-ordinating
development planning and economic research – these are common objectives
espoused by all. We Ourself are pleased that agreement in principle has been
reached on the establishment of an African Development Bank, a step which We
urged in Our address to the Conference of Independent African States in Addis
Ababa in June of 1960.
A Committee
We have already attained, then, a
remarkable coincidence of thinking and planning in the highly important
economic sphere. This is in itself a major achievement. It would be remarkable
indeed did twenty-eight nations, in their policies and programmes, reveal no
divergences of opinion. We may take satisfaction and encouragement from the
fact that such a large measure of identity of approach and attitude already
We urge that this Conference use this as
its starting point, that we emphasize and lay stress on the areas of similarity
and agreement rather than upon whatever disagreements and differences may exist
among us. It is a sound tactic of military strategy to attack where your
opponent’s defence is weakest. It is surely sound strategy for all of us to
move ahead where such movement is unobstructed and unimpeded.
It had been Our intention to propose that
the decisions taken at both Conakry and Dakar, insofar as they involve the
technical aspects of economic planning and co-ordination, be referred to a
committee of specialists representing all African opinion to review them and
report to the forth-coming Conference of Independent African States convening
in three months in Tunisia. As we are all only too aware, the nations most
vitally concerned in the Conakry decisions are unrepresented here. Nonetheless,
We ask that this same step be taken, and that the States not present here today
be asked and urged, in the name of Africa and African unity, to send members to
participate in the work of this committee.
We would suggest that this same committee
simultaneously study the implications and effects which the European Common
Market will have on the economies of the African States and on our efforts to
work out a coordinated programme of African economic development, and recommend
measures designed to minimize the adverse effects of this impact. The European
Common Market constitutes both a great challenge and a grave danger to Africa.
We have witnessed the remarkable achievements which the abolition of customs
barriers and the co-ordination of economic development have brought to pass in
Western Europe, and we are encouraged to press for the taking of similar steps
on our own continent. At the same time, we cannot ignore the dangers inherent
in the further strengthening of an already gigantic economic unit which looms
to the north and casts an ever longer shadow in our direction.
Our Problems
Turning from the economic to the political
field, we find, again, large areas of agreement, although there are basic
differences in approach which require careful consideration. We must recognize
at the outset that certain po-litical problems have been created by the
rapidity with which African States have achieved their independence. We do not
for a moment suggest that independence came too quickly or was too easily won;
no one here would turn back the clock to the day when he was other than a free
man. But there are some hard facts which cannot be ignored.
Today, on the African continent, there are
twenty-eight independent nations, with the possibility of many more being added
in the not-too-distant future. The population of these nations ranges from
upward of 35 million for the Federation of Nigeria to fewer than 1 million in
the case of several of the smallest States. The economic potential of some
African nations promises future growth and development into richness and
plenty; other States find themselves in financial difficulties, and budgetary
subsidies from one source or another will be required for many years to
maintain their economic existence. We must never forget that the boundaries of
many African nations were arbitrarily created by the colonialist powers at the
time of the scramble for Africa; nonetheless, all African nations are pledged
to respect them and to support the territorial integrity of the existing
African nations. During the period of colonialist rule, contact among Africans
was stifled, such barriers to intercourse and communication as already existed
were perpetuated and new barriers were erected where none had earlier been
We must, then, face the fact that history
has bequeathed to Africa a host of problems. While not of our own making, we
cannot, by pretending that they do not exist, wish them away. The dangers which
they constitute should be apparent to all, and it requires no great measure of
astuteness or wisdom to recognize that, unless we act, the defects to which,
willy-nilly, we have fallen heir will be exploited to our detriment. We have
seen in the Congo the tragic consequences which follow when, within the
confines of a single State, men who have been deprived of the concept of
“nation”, whose horizons have been limited to the confines of their family
relationships, are stirred up one against the other. Exploitation is indeed
possible, and influences abound which will not hesitate to divide us, to pit us
one against the other and to stir up disharmony and suspicion where only
brotherhood and confidence should be found.
To escape exploitation, and to overcome
the political deficiencies which beset us, Ethiopia urges that while we press
ahead with all urgency and speed in those economic areas in which rapid
advances can be achieved, parallel steps should simultaneously be taken to
explore the possibilities of achieving increasing future political unity among
African States – indeed, We believe that we all are, and that we differ only in
our assessment of the speed with which this most desirable goal can be
attained. The task now is to devise the means whereby this basic agreement may
be most rapidly advanced.
A Proposal
One step has
already been proposed which We feel can contribute largely to this goal. At the
16th Session of the United Nations General Assembly which convened in New York
last September, Our Delegation called for the creation, under Article 52 of the
United Nations Charter, of an Organization of African States. Implementation of
this proposal can pave the way for an expanded degree of political co-operation
in Africa, and, as events and circumstances so permit, of increasing future
political unity as well. This Organization should have a permanent structure
and secretariat, with specialized permanent institutions charged with
continuing study of particular problem areas of vital concern to Africans. In
this form, it would serve as an institutional clearing-house wherein Africans
might consider a vast variety of political and economic problems, and, in
particular, the furtherance of the concept of African political unity.
This step, in Our view, would bridge
whatever chasm may now exist in Africa. This Organization would enable Africans
to speak with a single, collective voice and would thereby maximize the
contribution of the free nations of this continent to the solution of the
problems of our time. There already exists, in the Conference of Independent
African States, the bare bones of the institution which We envisage, although
organized on a loose and impermanent basis. Let us employ this already-existing
nucleus, let us perfect it and render it permanent.
Ethiopia retains an open mind as to the
precise form which the structure of such an organization should take.
Precedents exist in the Arab League, in the Organization of American States and
in other regional institutions. However, we are not bound slavishly to adhere
to precedent nor blindly to adopt any particular formula. We only urge, and We
trust that this suggestion will receive the unanimous support of all States
represented here, that a Special Committee be created to elaborate specific
proposals looking to the speedy creation of an Organization of African States.
This Committee should conclude its work and report to the forthcoming meeting
of the Conference of Independent African States in Tunisia.
The Cold War
The furtherance of political unity, then,
would be a fundamental objective of the Organization of African States. We
should not, however, ignore a second and equally important aspect of its
establishment. Africa has come of age. With this independence has come not only
the right, but the duty, to deal with our own problems ourselves. So long as we
either cannot or will not deal directly and forcefully with our own problems,
the way is open for unilateral inter-ference in this continent’s internal
affairs by other nations which care less for Africa and more for themselves. In
today’s world, this is equivalent to the importation into Africa of the cold
war struggle, a development which Ethiopia has steadfastly and doggedly opposed
and one to which our total combined resistance cannot be too great. Africa is
still too weak, her available resources too few and her energies too limited
for them or any part of them to be dissipated in a world struggle which cannot
add but only detract from African growth and development. If we permit the
tensions of the cold war to become the tensions of Africa, valuable time will
be lost and precious energy will be wasted, all without any fulfilment of our
solemn duty to secure the advancement of the African peoples in liberty and
well-being. We Africans desire only to live in peace and friend-ship with all
men, without regard to race, creed or other persuasion, and are prepared to
co-operate with all who sincerely and honestly desire our well-being and
advancement. We cannot, nonetheless, needlessly expose ourselves to the perils
which the world power struggle carries in its wake.
The creation of an
Organization of African States will provide the medium whereby intra-African
disputes – and these will arise, for we are human and not angels – may be
settled peacefully. It will serve as the mechanism through which sound and
constructive measures for in-creasing co-operation among the nations of Africa
will be originated, articulated and implemented. It will contribute to the
creation and development of the atmosphere and spirit of mutual trust and
confidence so essential to the coordinated and simultaneous advance of the
African States along the path to liberty and prosperity. It will stand as a
bulwark against the interference by one African State in the internal affairs
of another and a safeguard against the involvement of non-African nations in
the affairs of this continent as a whole. If our progress is to be rapid and
effective, we must free ourselves of conflict, of fear, of the suspicion that
other than African hands are shaping events and developments in our continent.
Ethiopia, impelled by these same
considerations, has urged on various occasions that ever-increasing proportions
of the foreign assistance which is being directed to this continent be
channelled through the United Nations Organization. We have supported such
concrete proposals as have been put forward to this end. Aid must be without
strings. The assessment of the need for assistance and the decision to provide
it – these are questions which should be divorced from cold war politics, from
the conflicts between East and West. It is possible to influence positions and
oblige adherence to this or that policy by economic pressure, but only at the
expense of the pride and dignity of those who thus renounce their birthright as
free men, and the bill of sale carries the caveat: “revokable at will”. If the
great nations of the world desire our sympathy and support, they should assist
us to become economically strong and morally independent, for only then will
our alliance with them be meaningful.
We shall consider during this Conference
certain matters which touch and affect us most profoundly and deeply. We are
all equally dedicated in our opposition to the vicious principle of racial
discrimination embodied in the legal and social structure of the Republic of
South Africa. We are all equally determined to take whatever measures are
required to obliterate from this earth this disgrace to humanity and insult to
mankind. We have all made this known on various occasions in the past. The time
is past when condemnation of this policy was enough; we must now formulate and
implement the measures which will give concrete effect to our collective
Similarly, ways and means must be found of
speeding the day when our oppressed fellow-Africans will join us in these halls
as free men, for so long as one African lives in subjugation none of us is more
than half free. The events of the past three years give us cause for rejoicing
and renewing our strength and courage. Let us not leave the job half-done.
Kenya, Uganda and Ruanda-Urundi, whose observers are seated in this assemblage,
will soon be with us. Let them not be the last to join our ranks.
In the Congo, to which We have already
referred, we have witnessed the sorry spectacle of special interests flouting
the decisions of the United Nations and resisting, at the risk of civil war and
at the cost of innocent lives and the destruction of valuable property, sane
and reasoned efforts to restore peace and order to the Congolese people.
Foreign mercenaries have reinforced these interests, and arms and ammunition
have found their way, seemingly by sorcery, into rebellious hands. We call for
a halt to these activities; We insist that the illicit traffic in munitions
which has delayed and obstructed a peaceful resolution of the Congo situation
be ended, and that all measures to this end be taken by all concerned.
Ethiopia is justifiably proud of the role
which we have played and continue to play in the Congo, a role wholly
consistent with the staunch support which Our nation has unfailingly given to
international organizations dedicated to the cause of peace and collective
security throughout past decades. If history is to judge Us, We would ask only
that it judge on the basis of Ethiopia’s record of resistance to colonialism,
oppression and aggression, from the date when Ethiopian patriots repulsed the
Italian invaders at Adoua in 1896 and then in 1935 and thereafter. We have
responded to the appeals of the United Nations for assistance in the Congo, and
We have supported the United Nations Congo policies because experience, reason
and instinct have all combined to persuade us beyond peradventure that only in
this way can a peaceful and permanent solution to the vexatious problems which
exist there be settled. A successful conclusion of the Congo difficulties
through the intermediary of the United Nations will immeasurably strengthen
that institution and enlarge and maximize its usefulness as a force for the preservation
of peace, the liberation of the still subjugated peoples of the world, and the
advancement of mankind. Today, We believe that the end of the Congo’s troubles
is in sight. We welcome to this Conference the representative of the Central
Congo Government of Mr. Cyrille Adoula. We urge that the efforts of all
Africans be redoubled in order that the territorial integrity of the Congo may
be preserved and guaranteed and that moderate leadership in the Congo may be
enabled to lead the Congolese people forward in peace and prosperity.
Other Issue
Disarmament and the
banning of nuclear tests remain as problems affecting all of mankind, Africans
not excepted. The means to directly secure these objectives are not in our
hands, but this in no way lessens our duty to our fellow-men and to posterity
to labour without stint that they may be achieved during our lifetime. Ethiopia
has, as a matter of principle and not of partisanship, condemned the resumption
of nuclear testing. We have, as a matter of principle and not of partisanship,
called for a permanent ban of nuclear tests. We have done so in the conviction
that no nation today, no matter how large or powerful, no matter how persuasive
its arguments, can justify the employment of measures which threaten to visit
such calamitous consequences alike upon the guilty and innocent, the young, the
old, and the unborn. In March, the Eighteen - Nation Disarmament Committee will
convene in Geneva. Let us marshal our influence, and by all means at our
disposal seek to assure that this meeting does not end in failure and
frustration, in disaster and despair, as have too many held before it.
We must also refer to Algeria, where blood
continued to flow as a few extremists, heedless of the sorrow and suffering
which they cause, and in reckless disregard of the truism that force and
violence beget only force and violence, continue to thwart the determined
efforts of more moderate and rational men to grope their way to the peaceful
attainment of the precious gift of liberty by the Algerian people. Our
deliberations here must be directed to speeding the day when men and women may
walk in freedom and tranquillity in Algeria.
These last few years have been glorious
ones for Africa. In a short span in history, the yearnings and hopes of virtually
an entire continent have been realized. Celebration has followed celebration as
Africans rejoiced in their new-found and hard-won freedom.
this task is nearly completed. Ahead of us lie the hard, the difficult years,
years when we must grapple with new sets of problems and face new hardships.
There will be little festivity and few celebrations in these years. Our task is
now to prove ourselves worthy of the lot which we have claimed as our own,
capable of employing our talents and resources in the cause of Africa and the
African peoples. The way will be perilous, sacrifices will be demanded of us,
our labours may go unobserved and our triumphs unnoticed except to ourselves.
And, in the ultimate sense, this is wholly as it should be, for we are men, and
this is man’s lot. Let us work together, arm in arm as brothers, that our
progeny may live in peace and well-being, that posterity will honour our names
and our achievements. This will suffice. This will be our victory. May Almighty
God grant it to us.
Jan. 26, 1962.
Speeches of His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie – page 216 –
Donnerstag, 24. Januar 2013
Speech of The Day (137): FOUNDATION STONE AWASH II
We feel very gratified indeed every time
we lay, as, for example today, the cornerstones for, or inaugurate the successful
completion of projects which, because of the benefits they render to the
nation, have been given the proper study they deserve, for such occasions bring
to mind the day-to-day increase in the number of projects which have either
been launched or completed.
The full utilization of the power supply available before and after the
completion of the Koka Dam brought the need for still more production of power.
This in itself is proof enough of the gradual betterment of the living conditions
of Our people and the progress of Our country.
It can be said that the number and type of industries existent in any
country is a standing evidence of that country’s path to modernization and progress.
In as much as Ethiopia abounds in raw materials which it should industrially
transform and utilize, We are convinced that the time is not too distant when
it can successfully do so both as a means of self-sufficiency and further still
for surplus export to the world market. As We have noted in the past, however,
such efforts require both a great amount of capital and enough pooling of one’s
own skilled manpower; the endeavours We have already made to bring Ethiopia as
close to this position as possible is well known to Our beloved people. Even if
Our efforts in this regard have not so far been fully crowned with complete
success, it may well be said that the realization of at least a part of our
overall plan is an omen that spells well for the future.
The realization by Our people that whatever We are doing is for their
own benefit has already brought them from a position of indifferent
spectatorship to that of enthusiastic participation in all endeavours for the
common good. National progress requires concrete and active national
participation, and it is a matter of great pride and satisfaction for Us to see
Our people sharing in our ideas and working more and more diligently.
Industrial growth and expansion not only enable us to derive better and higher
benefits from our raw materials which we export at low prices or which simply
lie unexploited, but also create great possibilities of employment for
thousands of people. On this, too, has already been made some headway. The
process enables us to be self-sufficient instead of being a dumping-ground for
foreign-made commodities. To be self-sufficient is to be protected from a
position where we may well be judged for “burying the gold,” and is as well a
source of pride, a living testimony to national progress.
Electricity is a basic requirement for all the industrial projects we
envisage. Apart from the hydro-electric power stations that have so far been
installed, according to the limitations of our economy in various parts of the
country, in view of expanding the supply of electricity to benefit our people
at their homes, in their schools and day to day pursuits, We inaugurated last
November the Tis Abbay Hydro-Electric Power Station now feeding the industrial
establishments at Bahr Dar and serving Our people in Gojjam and Begemder. This
not only marks a further step in the realization of Our overall national
endeavours, but also lays the groundwork for the implementation of other great
projects to be launched in the future.
We are gratified to be here today to lay the cornerstone of the Awash II
Hydroelectric Dam – a project designed to extend the benefits of electricity to
Our Capital and beyond, to the people living as far way from it as Harrar, as
well as feed the industrial establishments already existing and slated to
appear in and between these regions. We beg the Almighty to enable Us to see
the day when it will reach completion and be put into operation. We also wish
success to the board of management and all those entrusted with the implementation
of this project.
Jan. 24, 1965.
Selected Speeches of His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie
– page 582 –
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