Donnerstag, 14. Mai 2015

14.05. - 2 - Speech Of The Day - OPENS HAILE SELASSIE I PRIZE TRUST


We take great pleasure in witnessing the fulfilment of Our desire to establish an organization which will award prizes to scholars who make outstanding contributions to the material and intellectual growth of Ethiopia, Africa and the world at large.
We have established this chartered and completely independent organization by donating Our personal estates and appointing distinguished officials as Trustees to ensure the promotion and encouragement of activities and proficiencies of the Ethiopian people in the diversified fields of Amharic Literature, Fine Arts, Agriculture, Industry, and Humanitarian Activities.
Our desire to encourage outstanding contributions transcends the boundaries of Our Empire. The advancement of Ethiopia is not Our sole interest. The African Research Award and the Empress Menen Award are therefore intended to provide strong incentives throughout the Continent of Africa and the world at large.
The recognition of achievements of the highest calibre will not only reward those deserving of awards but will also generate further creativity and contributions.
Since the responsibilities assigned to this organization are of both national and international interest and import, it is gratifying to hear that the Prize Trust, new as it is, shows a promising future and that many nominations and entries from the five continents have been received.
We express Our strong desire that Ethiopians, permanent residents in Ethiopia, Africans throughout the continent, and scholars concerned with Ethiopian studies and African research will increasingly avail themselves of the opportunities We have offered by the establishment of the Prize Trust.
We look forward to the successful completion of your work this year and the announcements of the award-winners for 1964.
We declare the office building open as of this date.
May 14, 1964.

Selected Speeches of His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie – page 619 –   

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