Donnerstag, 21. November 2013

21.11. - 2 - Speech of The Day - AGRICULTURE, HEALTH & COMMUNICATIONS

Agriculture, Health & Communications

….Agriculture, the backbone of the nation’s economy, has received its proper share of attention in Our Government’s planning. Intensive efforts are being made to improve farming techniques. The cotton project at Tendaho is moving out of the experimental stage. Enlarged veterinary services will improve the quality of Ethiopia’s cattle, thus multiplying many times over the wealth which exists in the country’s livestock population and a new slaughterhouse is going into production near Shashamanne to take advantage of this potential. A coordinated locust control project, undertaken in common with neighbouring countries, promises to reduce, if not immediately to eliminate entirely, the ravages which this insect pest has inflicted in the past upon Ethiopia’s crops. Grain storage facilities are being constructed which will serve to guard against the economic and social disturbances which arise when shortages occur. Measures will shortly be proposed to Parliament for action to be taken to preserve, for the benefit of present and future generations, the nation’s forests which are not only valuable in themselves as a source of wood, but act as nature’s guardian against the forces of erosion, which, unchecked, can transform fertile areas into barren and sterile desert…..

Nov. 21, 1963.
Selected Speeches of His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie - page 481 –

….. Efforts for the alleviation of suffering and disease are advancing satisfactorily. Endemic diseases which have sapped the strength and will of so many of Our people for untold years are slowly yielding to the assaults mounted against them, and these efforts will continue unabated until they have achieved complete and permanent success. New clinics and hospitals have been opened, and today Our nation disposes of more medical facilities than ever before in its history. …..

Nov. 21, 1963.
Selected Speeches of His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie - page 539 –

….. In the past twelve months, significant improvements have been effected in the Empire’s transportation and communications systems. Additional funds are being expended in the expansion of the nation’s telecommunications network which will serve to bring our neighbours closer to us. Modern jet aircraft have been added to the fleet of Ethiopian Air Lines bringing the entire world measurably closer to our doorstep. The most modern international airport facilities have been added to our civil aviation system as part of a coordinated programme which will make Addis Ababa an increasingly important centre for air travel. The Third Highway Programme will add new roads to Ethiopia’s highway system and modernize roads which already exist. The improvement in these areas will encourage accelerated economic activity as men travel to and from Ethiopia and throughout the countryside more comfortably and quickly. And as travel facilities improve, an expanded effort to attract tourists is being undertaken in order that friends from foreign lands may come to know of Ethiopia’s climate, her spectacular natural beauty and her many historic attractions and places of interest. The rewards which accrue to the nation more than justify these activities. …..

Nov. 21, 1963
Selected Speeches of His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie - page 571 –

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